NovaBACKUP mit nahtlosem Cloud Backup und Restore. NovaStor kooperiert mit SITaaS.

Cloud-Storage-Anbieter in Deutschland, UK und USA stehen in NovaBACKUP direkt als Speicherziel zur Verfügung. NovaBACKUP-Kunden erhalten bei SITaaS 5 GB gratis

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Kennzahlen im Rechenzentrum: Wie PUE-Werte ermittelt werden, wie sie sich verbessern lassen von Dr. Peter Koch ist Senior Vice President Engineering & Product Management für Knürr Racks & Integrated Cabinets, Emerson Networ

Die durch Cloud Computing und den zunehmenden Einsatz mobiler Endgeräte beständig wachsende IT-Last einerseits und der drohende weitere Anstieg der Energiepreise andererseits führen dazu, dass das Thema Energieeffizienz in den Fokus der Rechenzentrumsbetreiber gerückt ist. Wie aber können die Betreiber feststellen, ob ihre Rechenzentren energieeffizient ausgestaltet sind, und wo können gegebenenfalls Einsparpotenziale realisiert werden?

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Emerson helps telcos control costs

New NetSure™ retrofit solutions for ACTURA™ systems deliver increased reliability and efficiency.

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Romonet calculates TCO

Romonet has launched the U.S. version of Romonet Portal, a cloud-based software suite the enables data center operators to plan, analyze and manage data center operations and costs in ways ‘never before possible’.

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Active Power to introduce PowerHouse™ products

Active Power, manufacturer of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and modular infrastructure solutions, will introduce to the market new PowerHouse products at Datacenter Dynamics (DCD) New York, March 12, 2013, at the Marriott Marquis.

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Overcoming global construction and supply chain constraints, SUPERNAP Italia shows what’s...
Kroll Ontrack, global provider of ediscovery and data recovery products and services to companies...
By Lilac Schoenbeck, Vice President of Product Marketing and Product Management at iland.
CIOs, CTOs, and Data Center Leaders need to collaborate to decarbonize digital infrastructure...
Critical environment specialist’s parent company rebrands to capitalise on demand for whole life...
Interxion has formed a new partnership with RStor, the leading provider of cloud services across...
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Equinix Insider - White Ops President & COO, Eddie Schwartz

Eddie has over 25 years experience in information security, including recent work as the CISO of RSA, the Security Division of EMC, and Co-Founder/CSO of NetWitness.

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