A new defence against APTs

Delivers technology integration with FireEye to battle rising trend of targeted attacks.

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SilverSky selects SoftLayer

SoftLayer says that SilverSky, a leading provider of cloud-based information security and messaging solutions, has chosen SoftLayer to help power its cloud-based email and Email Protection Suite offerings. SilverSky’s comprehensive security services, running on SoftLayer's cloud platform and distributed through IBM’s global sales channel, will enable businesses around the world to quickly move email workloads and critical information into the cloud in a secure and cost-effective...

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With 2017 being yet another rollercoaster year for cyber security, experts at Fareham-based...
Nearly two-thirds of consumers surveyed say they are unlikely to do business again with a company...
Thycotic has released the findings from its 2018 Black Hat conducted survey of more than 300...
Business leaders’ complacency exposed as one-third not intending to improve overall defenses in...
Real-time threat isolation protects against malware introduced through email, browsers and files,...
Weaponisation of DDoS sees British companies impacted lose average of £140,000 due to DDoS...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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