Chip-to-application transformation

McAfee introduces two new suites: McAfee Complete Endpoint Protection – Enterprise, and McAfee Complete Endpoint Protection – Business. These suites are the first to link security from chip to OS to applications, protecting against new threat vectors and bringing critical visibility to risk management. The suites are the first to include McAfee Deep Defender, a rootkit protection based on hardware-enhanced security jointly developed by Intel and McAfee, dynamic whitelisting, risk...

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Simplifying mobile security

McAfee has announced that McAfee Enterprise Mobility Management (McAfee® EMM™ software) is now fully integrated with the McAfee®ePolicy Orchestrator® (McAfee ePO™) platform. With McAfee EMM software, comprehensive security, policy, and management capabilities are extended to mobile devices. McAfee ePO software enables enterprises to protect their data on company-issued and employee-owned devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers) through a single,...

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Carmarthenshire County Council chooses Trustwave

Carmarthenshire County Council recently chose Trustwave SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) to reduce the cost of meeting regulations associated with the sharing of information on the Government’s secure extranet. The Welsh county council reviewed alternative solutions when its incumbent solution ran out of capacity and needed upgrading.

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Blue Coat unveils strategy for securely empowering businesses

Blue Coat Systems, Inc. has introduced its Business Assurance Technology blueprint. The five technology centers that deliver Business Assurance Technology make it possible for businesses and their employees, customers and partners to safely and securely choose the best technologies, applications, devices and services in the world. Blue Coat is also introducing new products that enable enterprises to deploy trusted applications and quickly remediate data breaches.

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Michael Aminzade, VP Global Compliance & Risk Services at Trustwave reflects on another year of...
Three quarters (73%) of UK small and medium-sized business leaders think their workforces lack the...
SOSS Volume 11 finds 76% of applications have at least one security flaw.
2016 will be the year of cloud security and ROI, a year when CISOs finally get the recognition they...
ForgeRock has published findings from the first definitive study on hybrid cloud adoption in...
Nearly seven out of ten attacks on all firms involved viruses, spyware or malware.
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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