Abiquo launches new enterprise edition Cloud Management platform

Abiquo has announced the latest edition of its award winning Cloud management platform; Abiquo Enterprise Edition 2.4.

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Red Hat establishes Partner Network for Cloud Infrastructure Solutions Powered by Red Hat OpenStack

Red Hat, Inc. has announced partner support for its Red Hat OpenStack distribution, which graduated from a preview version to an Early Adopter Program today. In conjunction with this, Red Hat also announced the establishment of its Red Hat OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure Partner Network, focused on building a robust ecosystem around the Red Hat OpenStack distribution and cloud infrastructure technologies, which is currently accepting nominations for early adopter partner participation.

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ALSO Deutschland und utilitas unterstützen Partner mit neuem Geschäftsmodell für die Cloud

Die Kooperation des Distributors mit dem Microsoft-Partner hat zum Ziel, das Business des ALSO-Partnernetzwerks rund um Office 365 auszubauen - utilitas bietet mit weitreichendem Projekt-Know-how, eigenen Apps sowie einem bewährtem Geschäftsmodell Mehrwerte für den Channel

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HP bringt mobile SAP-Anwendungen als Managed Service

HP und SAP haben eine weltweite strategische Partnerschaft geschlossen, um umfassende Managed Mobility Services auf Grundlage der SAP Mobile Platform und HPs Converged Cloud-Technologie bereitzustellen

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Proposed acquisition will enable "shift left" security, with Prisma Cloud further embracing the...
Trend Micro is one of the first security SaaS providers to offer flexible platform of cloud...
IBM Security is extending its artificial intelligence (AI) technology originally developed to...
CCE Solution provides UK SME with a flexible IT infrastructure
Increased load from significant growth in global digital operations notable from summer 2020.
According to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Cloud IT Infrastructure...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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