CloudBees continuous cloud delivery accelerates time-to-market for web and mobile applications

CloudBees, Inc. has announced Continuous Cloud Delivery (CCD) -- a new approach to accelerate application delivery and meet high-frequency update requirements necessary for web and mobile applications. CCD represents the fastest way for development teams to push application changes and deploy the resulting code to production, all via the cloud.

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Employees spending £1.4 million on ‘off-radar’ Cloud

VMware, Inc. has announced research that 37% of European IT decision makers suspect staff have purchased cloud services without the IT department’s permission – in the UK this was even higher at 44%. However, VMware’s research suggests this isn’t necessarily a negative trend, with many organisations embracing the fact that this spend – an average of nearly £1.4 million per affected business in 2012 – can deliver major benefits to the business.

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Virtustream shortlisted for Datacentre Software Product of the Year at the DCS Awards

xStreamTM, Virtustream’s enterprise class cloud solution is recognised for innovation and delivery of guaranteed enterprise-class performance.

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CompTIA State of the Channel Report reveals that cloud and emerging technology, such as AI and...
With the influx of high profile digital data breaches in the past year, businesses and consumers...
Huawei has launched its hybrid cloud solution FusionCloud Omni for global telecom carriers. The...
The majority (68 percent) of cybersecurity professionals working in large organisations in the UK...
Survey reveals cloud decision-makers are piecing together global view of cloud costs from...
OpenStack technology, Cloud Foundry and Amazon Web Services are the key focus areas.
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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