Secure Over-the-Internet capability

With security being a top concern, DameWare Remote Support 11.0 allows IT Pros to support end-users both inside and outside the firewall without the need for third-party hosting, providing a secure and highly affordable solution for easily supporting globally distributed end-users of growing enterprises.

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Toshiba and Becrypt announce partnership

Toshiba to ‘bundle’ Becrypt Security with its mobile devices to target key markets including Healthcare and Local Government.

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Iron Mountain-Studie zum ‚Recht auf Vergessen‘

Mehrheit der Befragten ist pessimistisch, was Umsetzung betrifft; nur Hälfte der Deutschen wünscht Löschung von Social Media-Postings

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Neuer HP-Sicherheits-Service senkt das Geschäftsrisiko

Die ab sofort verfügbaren HP Security Metrics Services unterstützen Kunden dabei, schnelle, datengestützte Entscheidungen bei Sicherheitsrisiken im Unternehmen zu treffen. Dabei wird eine zum Patent angemeldete Methodik eingesetzt. Sie zeigt deutlich auf, wie sich ein sicherheitsrelevantes Ereignis auf die Geschäftsziele eines Unternehmens auswirken kann

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Window-Surfing: Die Fenster weit geöffnet für den Datenklau?

In einer Umfrage geben Unternehmen zu, dass sie auf vergleichsweise simpel anmutende Social-Engineering-Versuche hereingefallen sind

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Global study of CISOs, AppSec leaders and developers reveals that business pressures are a primary...
Tripwire has publisjed the results of a study examining the security practices and concerns of...
Peak attack traffic is still rising and is up 19% from 2021.
Two thirds (67%) of businesses say that driving collaboration between security and IT ops teams is...
Thales’s Gemalto Identity Verification Suite (IDV) minimizes ID fraud risks by verifying document...
The new offering uniquely qualifies small businesses to obtain cyber insurance and enables them to...
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Case Study: @nifty Delivering IT Security to Their Customers with Kaspersky

NIFTY Corporation is one of the leading Telecoms and Internet Service Providers in Japan, supplying high-speed broadband connectivity to more than 1.39 million broadband users. Providing robust security for the many subscribers to its online services is very important because repeated security breaches or loss of service may result in customers suffering damage or losses - and ultimately leaving NIFTY and moving to competitors' services.

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