Nokia provides data centre switching platforms

Nokia SR Linux-based solution will enable DCspine to expand its interconnection and cloud services, and enhance network operations through automation for faster service delivery to its European customers.

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Fibre for Europe

Nokia and Eurofiber Group sign a frame agreement to accelerate fibre optic roll out in Europe

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The mass remote work revolution needs rural connectivity

By James Cater, Vice President - Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Spirent Communications.

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Nokia to build optical transport network for Energie AG, Austria

New high-speed optical network will backhaul traffic from FTTH regional nodes to two central sites in Upper Austria.

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NTT launches Edge-as-a-Service

NTT and VMware develop and deliver fully managed Edge+Private 5G offering as a service.

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Itential, a leader in intelligent, multi-domain network automation, has formed a partnership with...
As end-user digital applications continue to proliferate and require global networks to become more...
Colt Technology Services has succeeded in reducing latency between Tokyo and Hong Kong stock...
Precise timing synchronisation for high-performance networks, is now improved as HUBER+SUHNER...
Research undertaken together with Telefónica finds 5G networks up to 90 percent more energy...
Apstra Freeform provides customers with the ability to manage and automate operations for data...
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Technical Discussion: High Performance IP Replication

Why is it so challenging to achieve high performance IP Replication over distance between data centers? Check out Brocade subject matter experts discussing the challenges of achieving high performance IP replication over distance, including how Brocade addresses this architecturally and test results comparing IP storage replication workloads showing you the level of performance you can achieve with Brocade's solution.

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