Cubeware baut mit zwei neuen Releases Enterprise-Mobile-BI-Strategie weiter aus

Mit den neuen Releases „Cubeware Cockpit V6pro 4.2“ und „Cubeware Mobile BI 1.2.1“ forciert der Rosenheimer Business-Intelligence-(BI-)Anbieter weiter die unternehmensweite Einsatzfähigkeit seiner BI-Plattform „Cubeware Solutions Platform“ für mobile Anwendungsszenarien.

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Dell erweitert seine Connected-Security-Lösungen

Dell baut sein Sicherheitsangebot weiter aus. Unternehmen können zugelassene mobile Apps nun via SSL-VPN mit ihrem Netzwerk verbinden. Ein Hardware Crypto Accelerator macht aus HDDs selbstverschlüsselnde Festplatten. Mit einem neuen Managed Service schützt Dell außerdem Endgeräte vor fortgeschrittenen Cyber-Bedrohungen

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SLA expectations run high

Though new research finds that 63% of IT decision makers are not clear on what constitutes a failure of their cloud service provider’s SLA.

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Canadian cloud solution provider selects Flexiant Cloud Orchestrator because of its billing...
Whatever their size, interest, geography and industry – all businesses will benefit from...
More than 200 organizations have put over 1000 IT staff through the Mirantis training and...
Rackspace extends its relationship with CERN openlab to continue working on cloud federation...
Four-in-ten (39%) UK IT directors cite cloud computing as the specialist skill experiencing the...
Data Continuity Group (DCG) has announced the launch of its managed cloud-based disaster recovery...
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Ferrari: A New Perspective on Cybersecurity

Ferrari took a strategic decision to choose Kaspersky Lab as their IT Security provider. They wanted to introduce more stringent IT security measures, both to protect their core business and to ensure an increase in safety. Find out more in this exclusive video.

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