Telemach invests in high-capacity Flexible Optical Network from Transmode

Transmode has supplied Telemach in Slovenia with a new high capacity optical network running from Ljubljana to Maribor and Vienna in Austria. The new network replaces an existing core/access infrastructure with a flexible and scalable solution that will significantly reduce operating costs and long term service overheads.

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Lancope Appoints Tim (TK) Keanini as CTO

Keanini brings nearly 25 years of network and security experience with companies including Cisco and nCircle.

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UK lags in IPv6 readiness

Logicalis and University of Southampton have warned that the UK’s slow progress in preparing for IPv6, the new internet addressing protocol, could threaten UK-based organisations’ ability to compete on the international stage, particularly in vital fast-growing economies. Furthermore it puts at risk strategies in mobility and emerging trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT). The UK currently stands in 16th place in Europe and 27th worldwide in an IPv6 readiness league table...

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Virtualisation and consolidation are priorities

An independent market research survey commissioned by Riverbed Technology, the application performance company, reveals that 70 percent of IT decision makers are looking to centralise applications during 2013. The Riverbed® commissioned survey questioned 400 CIOs in Europe and the Middle East about their spending priorities this year.

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France-IX, the leading Internet Exchange in France, and Coriant, a leading supplier of...
Whether the requirement is Internet connectivity for cloud based applications or links to a private...
Data storage decision makers believe that the Cloud offers a solution.
Multiple submarine cable systems upgraded to 100g Technology.
To further enhance Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) industrialization and support the...
To power the on-going digital evolution of global enterprises, Colt will now enable them to...
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Talking FSP 3000 OLS for ultimate DCI flexibility at OFC

Gareth Spence talks to Paul Morkel at OFC 2019 about the launch of ADVA’s newly expanded FSP 3000 open line system and how it’s the ultimate one-stop shop for all DCI applications.

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